
Web Track 360 heatmaps: Where the action is

See at a glance which areas on your page drive the most engagement and how far your visitors scroll with WebTrack 360 instant heatmaps.


GDPR & CCPA ready

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Website heatmaps can help you determine if: 

  • There is important content on a page that visitors aren’t getting to 
  • Users are having trouble finding or seeing certain CTAs
  • Users are experiencing issues based on device type or browser
  • Non-clickable elements are creating distractions that harm conversion (as shown in the video below)

Who can benefit from using heatmaps ?

For Website Owner

User experience (UX) designers are often responsible for testing on their site or app, and heatmaps can supplement their testing methods. 

For example, UX designers can use them for usability testing to understand whether their content inspires users to take action, identify patterns of behavior, and determine whether your CTAs are well-placed. 

For Marketers

Any digital marketer knows that the competition for customers’ attention is greater than ever, and traffic acquisition cost (TAC) is increasing. Unsurprisingly, it’s critical to get as much value from your site traffic as possible. 

Using heatmaps, marketers can understand which parts of a page or an advertisement people’s eyes gravitate toward, and which parts tend to be ignored. This knowledge allows you to place the most important element—like a special offer or a CTA button—on the most-seen part of a page. 

For digital analysts

For analysts, they can provide the critical yet often-missing data that turns analysis into actionable insights and business outcomes. Using heatmaps let you combine qualitative and quantitative data in ways that add depth and context to analyses.

Where other methods may only allow you to count clicks on a button, heatmapping tools can help you understand what happened before, after, and in between those clicks—critical information for understanding your user’s behavior. 

Get started with Web Track 360 in less than 60 Seconds


highly visual format


Gain a clearer understanding


build more effective pages in the future

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